Diabetes tremor, which is an involuntary shaking or muscle movement, is just one side effect of diabetes.Tremors are the result of blood sugar levels falling to dangerous levels, which may be between 40 mg/dL and 70mg/Dl, depending on the individual. The brain becomes deprived of glucose and is unable to control the movements of the body.These diabetes tremors may be mild, moderate, or extremely violent and can occur while a person is at rest, standing, or engaged in physical activity. Some patients may also experience twitching, spasm, and painful muscle cramps.

Tremors can affect a person’s entire body or just one area, such as the hand, foot, or head being the most pervasive. Experiencing a tremor while gripping an object with the hand may cause a person to drop the object or they may be unable to let go of it. Foot tremors may temporarily immobilize a person while …