Diabetes in females affects 9.1 million women in the United States alone. That figure represents 8.9% of all women. An even more frightening fact is that a third of these women have not been diagnosed yet, meaning they are unaware that they have a serious illness. They are not being treated, taking medication, or modifying their diet and lifestyle in any way.Diabetes in females, left untreated, can have serious implications.

Diabetic females are prone to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol, all of which contribute to heart disease and stroke. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Diabetic women and the incidences of heart attacks in women who have never suffered an attack are equal to those who have already had an attack. Females are also more inclined to experience complications and death from heart attacks than other group of people. Researchers …