If you have blurred vision and diabetes, uncontrolled high blood sugar may be to blame for your vision problems. The elevated blood sugar level in your blood will cause the lens in your eye to swell and possibly become misshapen, and this is what causes blurred vision. Diabetes and its various symptoms can be kept under control with proper glucose monitoring, but since blurred vision may indicate a more serious eye problem, it is best to see your doctor. It is very important to address blurred vision and diabetes right away, because in more extreme cases, the untreated condition may lead to serious eye disease and possibly blindness.


Diabetes, Blurred Vision, and Other Eye Disorders


While blurred vision may be easily curable by controlling one’s blood sugar level, people with type 2 diabetes are more likely to suffer from cataracts, glaucoma, and retinopathy. Diabetics are 60% more …