Tag: diabetes bladder infection

The Relationship between Infection and Diabetes

Infection and diabetes can go hand in hand if the diabetes is not treated and controlled effectively. Diabetes mellitus can cause serious infections and even death if the infection is not dealt with quickly and properly.

Infection and diabetes is common because uncontrolled diabetes leads to high amounts of sugar in the blood and body tissues. The excess sugar does a wonderful job of feeding bacteria and allowing it to grow in the tissues and cells of the body. This leads to infection.

There are many places that people with diabetes can end up getting an infection. Some of the most common are diabetes bladder infection, diabetes fungal infection, diabetes wound infection, and diabetes skin infection.


Diabetes Urinary Tract Infection Signs and Symptoms


There are many signs and symptoms of infection and diabetes. These symptoms will probably be the same for most any diabetes related infection. If you …

Diabetes Bladder

Diabetes bladder problems are fairly common. Many of these diabetes bladder problems are bound to come with age anyway, but having diabetes can mean an early onset or increased severity of these problems. Keeping blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels on target can lower the risk of complications.

People with diabetes bladder problems should drink lots of fluids and go to the bathroom every two hours. Drugs that have been known to help are Betanechol, Terazosin, and doxazosin. In rare cases, some people are taught to catheterize themselves when they need to urinate.


Diabetes Bladder Problems


The most typical diabetes bladder problems are overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, and neurogenic bladder, which are bladder problems that are associated with nerve damage. Common symptoms of bladder problems associated with diabetes are a feeling of urgency to urinate, urinating frequently, and urine leakage. Some people have difficulty urinating or …

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