Conditions of foot ulcers and diabetes can be a serious situation. Diabetic sores are the leading cause of lower extremity amputations. The risk of amputation to the lower extremities is 15 to 46 times higher in diabetics, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

It is best to take preventative actions before diabetic foot ulcers have the chance to appear. Keeping blood sugar levels down and staying active are the two most important actions that you can take to prevent problems in diabetes and foot ulcers. Diabetics must inspect their feet daily in order to catch any redness, blisters, cuts, and the like before they become infected.

If anything is found during a foot inspection, it should be properly treated. At the very least, a cut should be bandaged with an antibiotic ointment. Most physicians prefer you to make an appointment with them to ensure proper treatment, however. Preventing foot ulcers in patients with diabetes is not always easy, but most physicians would much rather treat a cut than a serious infection.

Diabetics should wash their feet daily with mild soap, in warm (not hot) water, dry them thoroughly, and moisturize them with lotion. Be sure that the areas between your toes are dry, and don’t use lotion there. This will help prevent infections as well.


Foot Ulcers from Diabetes


Foot ulcers in diabetes come about by a number of different causes. First, elevated blood sugar levels lead to damaged nerves in the legs and feet. When a person cannot feel heat, cold, or pain, they may get a wound and not even notice it. If a wound is not treated correctly it is open to infections which may become serious.

Circulation problems lead to ulcers as well. If a person does not have good blood flow, then it takes longer for their sores or cuts to heal. Once again, if an infection occurs and does not heal, the person is at risk of developing ulcers or gangrene. This is why people with diabetes and ulcers usually end up having to get a limb amputated. However, just because you have a skin ulcer doesn’t mean amputation is inevitable. With proper care foot ulcers and diabetes problems can be maintained.

Talking to your doctor about any foot problems that you have is highly recommended. Doctors should inspect their patient’s feet at least every six months and perform necessary tests. These complications are usually avoided by people who follow their doctor’s advice, maintain a healthy life style, and keep a healthy diet.


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