If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes you are probably learning that you need to make several lifestyle changes to control your condition. Diabetes support groups are a wonderful resource for ideas on how to make the changes easier, for general support, and for additional resources.

It is important to find a diabetes support group that fits into your schedule and your lifestyle. Many people with diabetes find more than one source of support and information to help them with the transition and changes.


Finding the Best Diabetes Support Group for You


There are many places you can go to find support for diabetes. The physician who diagnosed you with the condition is a great place to start. Many doctors and clinics can offer resources and referrals for newly diagnosed patients. They often times have brochures and contact information they can share with you regarding diabetes peer support groups and diabetes family support groups.

Other options for finding diabetes support services include local hospitals, a community diabetes support program, online diabetes support groups, and nutrition support programs. Often times, you can also find diabetes groups that get together for exercise and activity sessions regularly. This can be as simple as a diabetes walking group or a yoga group.

If you are looking for the right diabetes support group for you, check with your physician, your local diabetes organization, your local hospital, or your local community advocacy group.


How to Find Juvenile Diabetes Support Information


Considering that there are a few different types of diabetes, it can be beneficial to find support for the specific type of diabetes you have been diagnosed with. This can be important because each form of diabetes has its own challenges to deal with. However, there is also much overlap between each type. Thus, if your community does not offer special support programs based on specific diagnosis, general diabetes support groups can still be an extremely valuable resource.

Type I diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent, is typically diagnosed in childhood. Considering that being diagnosed with this condition in childhood has challenges and implications all its own, it is important to find a juvenile diabetes support group for your child or young adult. Being diagnosed with a chronic condition at such a young age can add much responsibility to a child or teenager.

It might also be difficult for them to try to explain to their friends why they have to check their blood and give themselves shots all the time. Other challenges can include not being able to eat what your friends are eating, or not succumbing to peer pressure over alcohol and those types of things when they get a bit older. It will be extremely important for your child to have a strong support group of diabetic peers to gain strength and ideas from to overcome these challenges.

Can you imagine being a 6 or 7 year-old little kid at a birthday party and you are the only one who cannot have any cake and ice cream. Something this simple can be extremely challenging and difficult for your little one to face. This is why diabetes peer support groups are essential for people with juvenile diabetes.


Support Groups for Type II or Gestational Diabetes


Type II (adult onset or insulin resistant) comes with its own set of challenges. In this case, diagnosis usually happens at a later age and major lifestyle changes are necessary to control the diabetes. Since you have probably been living a particular lifestyle for a very long time, it can be challenging to make the necessary changes. Diabetes support groups can be extremely helpful in giving you the encouragement you need. These groups also have other members who probably have great tips and ideas to help you make the necessary changes.

One of the things that can often times have huge positive effects on treating and even curing type II diabetes is weight loss. There are several diabetes support groups that focus on healthy weight loss. If this is one of your goals, you should definitely check out one of these support groups.

Gestational diabetes, usually diagnosed around the 24th week of pregnancy, has implications that the other two types do not have. Since this diagnosis often times means that both you and your baby are at risk for health issues, it is important to get the support you need to understand the condition and control it well. Finding a gestational diabetes support group can be extremely helpful in doing this. If you cannot find a support group in your community, there are many online support groups for this condition. This can be extremely helpful toward the end of pregnancy when it is harder to get out and about. Many pregnant women with this condition also end up on bed rest for a period of time. Thus, an online support community is a great place to turn for support and encouragement.

As you can see, your options for finding a diabetes support group that meets your needs are endless. Take a look around and tap into some resources to find the right support for you.