Tag: diabetes and foot pain

Pain and Diabetes

Pain and diabetes are related in several different ways. Diabetes can destroy small blood vessels and cause nerve system damage. Neuropathy (nerve damage) is the most common form of pain in diabetes. This nerve damage often begins to manifest itself at the hands and feet; this pain can make it different to even wear socks or gloves. This is because the nerves are now hypersensitive and cause pain which is not proportionate to the source of that pain (Health.howstuffworks.com, 2011).

Peripheral neuropathy is the type of nerve damage that occurs in the toes, feet, legs, hands and arms. Diabetes pain can be caused by other types of nerve damage as well. Proximal neuropathy is nerve damage of the thighs, hips, and buttocks and often leads to weakness in the legs. Finally, focal neuropathy is a type of nerve damage which occurs in one single area, leading to localized weakness or …

Diabetes and Foot Pain

Diabetes and foot pain commonly occur together.  Nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy is the most common contributor to diabetes foot pain. Furthermore, there are 3 types of peripheral neuropathy: sensory, motor, and autonomic neuropathy. Most of the time foot pain in diabetes is caused by the sensory type. In this type of nerve damage the pain is disproportionate to the amount insult that is causing the pain. So, in this case merely touch the skin or putting a blanket over your feet can be very painful. A person with type of foot pain from diabetes may also feel burning, tingling, or stabbing pains in their feet.

The combination of foot pain and diabetes can be found in many different instances. Motor neuropathy, another type of peripheral neuropathy, causes foot pain with diabetes as well. In this type, nerves in the muscles become affected and they begin to feel weak and …

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