Diabetic disease needs to be taken seriously and treated effectively. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, diabetes can lead to serious complications and death!

Diabetic disease is a metabolic condition that is caused one of two ways. It can be caused when the pancreas does not produce an adequate amount of the insulin hormone (type 1 diabetes). It can also be caused when the cells in the body become resistant to the insulin hormone (type 2 diabetes). Regardless of the type of diabetes, the ramifications are the same if insulin is not produced or absorbed properly.

The insulin hormone helps the fat and muscle cells in the body absorb and metabolize blood sugar properly. If there is a problem with insulin, blood sugar cannot be used properly. This can lead to serious organ damage.


Diabetic Renal Disease Complications


Diabetic kidney disease occurs when blood sugar needs to be expelled from the body because it is not being metabolized. In order to expel excess blood sugar the kidneys need to filter all of the sugar out of the blood. The excess sugar is then dumped into the urine.

Over time, diabetic disease is very hard on the kidneys and it can lead to kidney failure. According to Kidney Specialists (www.kidney-mn.com), untreated diabetic renal disease that leads to kidney failure requires dialysis or a kidney transplant. Untreated diabetic renal disease can eventually lead to death.


Diabetic Eye Disease Complications


The eyes can be hugely affected by poorly treated or untreated diabetes. Diabetic eye disease is the number one cause of non-traumatic blindness each year.

Diabetic retinal disease occurs when blood sugar is not controlled properly. The vascular system of the eyes is delicate and damage to the eyes can occur quickly in patients with diabetes.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and are noticing changes in your vision, make an appointment with a diabetic eye specialist to have your vision checked immediately. Diabetic eye disease can include retinopathy, macro degeneration, cataracts, and blindness.

Even if your diabetes is controlled well, eye complications can occur. If you are diabetic, it is an extremely good idea to get your vision checked at least annually.


Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease Complications


Diabetic heart disease, diabetic vascular disease, and diabetic peripheral vascular disease are some of the biggest annual killers. Excess blood sugar damages all the organs and systems in the body over time. The heart, vascular system and brain are affected just as much, if not more, than the other organs of the body.

If you suffer from diabetes along with other health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease, you are at huge risk. Talk to your physician immediately about starting an effective treatment plan to deal with your overall morbid health situation. Lifestyle changes are necessary to change your health outlook and prognosis.

It is possible to live a long and healthy life, without complications, even though you have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is even possible to reverse type II diabetes. Remember, simple lifestyle changes and following an effective treatment plan can play a huge role in your overall health and wellness!


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