Tag: signs of diabetes in women

The Signs of Diabetes in Women

The signs of diabetes in women are the same as the signs in men and children. The difference comes in the way the signs present in women. Often times, women associate the symptoms with other things going on in their lives.

The signs of diabetes in women can be confused with menstrual issues, hormones, pregnancy, pre-menopause, menopause, urinary tract infections, bladder infections and a gambit of other issues. Many women get busy with life, children and everything else and just ignore the symptoms or put them on the back burner.

If you are suffering from any of the early signs of diabetes listed below, contact your doctor to get tested for diabetes immediately. If you are having symptoms, your health and well being depends on early detection and good control of diabetes.


What are the Early Signs of Diabetes in Women?


The ADA (American Diabetes Association) lists these …

Know the Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is a very serious disease that can affect people of all ages. Regardless of your age or the age of your child, if you suspect diabetes be sure to contact you physician to schedule testing immediately. Diabetes can cause serious damage to the organs, limbs, nervous system, and eyes if it is not controlled properly. Uncontrolled severe diabetes can also result in death.

The signs and symptoms of diabetes can be fairly obvious but it can also come on subtly. The early signs and symptoms of diabetes can mock other illnesses or conditions. For instance, extreme thirst, frequent urination and profuse sweating can be symptoms of diabetes. However, these can also be symptoms or signs of dehydration or heat exhaustion.


Recognizing the Early Signs of Diabetes?


The early signs of diabetes can be mellow and can mock other ailments. If you have some of the signs and …

Diabetes in Women

Diabetes in women is becoming more and more common. It seems as though diabetes in women has become a lifestyle or societal disease. In our busy society today, women are busy working, parenting, paying the bills, and taking care of the home. These are just a few of the normal responsibilities of a woman.

This busy lifestyle leads to a lack of exercise and physical activity, a poor diet, high stress, and poor sleep habits. These lifestyle choices lead to overweight, obesity, heart disease, chronic pain issues, and diabetes.

There are two main types of diabetes mellitus. Women also have to consider a third type of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile onset or insulin dependent diabetes, occurs when the pancreas organ does not produce enough of the insulin hormone to properly metabolize blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes, also called adult onset or insulin resistant diabetes, occurs when the …

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