Diabetes.co.uk is an online diabetes community, self-titled “the global diabetes community”. A forum, news center, and information guide, content is generally generated by users and staff writers. Diabetes.co.uk should not be confused with diabetes.org.uk, the United Kingdom’s largest diabetes charity.

Members of diabetes.co.uk have access to comment on and create new posts. There are topic groups for new members, newly diagnosed, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes, and more. There are less serious topic groups as well such as “Diabetes Soapbox”, that allows people to vent about having diabetes, the state of health care etc. in a peer environment, and “You’re Joking” where members can post jokes, anecdotes, and funny stories.

Signing up for diabetes.co.uk is easy – simply visit the site and agree to the terms of use.


diabetes.co.uk – Diabetes Tools


In addition to their forum, diabetes.co.uk culls together diabetes related information on management, …