A fever is usually the sign of an infection occurring somewhere in the body. A diabetic fever is more severe than a fever that a non-diabetic because it can quickly become severe, and even the slightest fever can throw off you blood sugar levels. If you do not know the origin of your infection, or you are having chronic trouble with fever, it is best to seek medical advice. Diabetic fever can lead to serious consequences if left untreated.

There are several common causes of diabetic fever, aside from your typical cold and flu. Diabetic fever is often caused by urinary tract infections. Usually this is accompanied by a low-grade fever and oral antibiotics are needed to clear it up. Oral thrush is another common cause of diabetic fever. Thrush is a type of infection that can occur in any of the moist areas of the body, the mouth being one of them. The reason that this happens is that elevated glucose levels in the blood lead to elevated glucose levels in saliva. This type of infection is usually taken care of with an anti-fungal mouthwash or lozenge (LiveStrong.com, 2012).


Dealing with a Diabetic Fever


When you are sick, your body is under stress, which can cause major problems when you have diabetes. If you have had a diabetic fever for a couple of days you should seek treatment, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). You should also be sure to drink plenty of fluids and check to see if your urine ketone level is normal. You can buy a ketone kit to check your urine with at most pharmacies, supercenters, and grocery stores. Type 2 diabetics really only need to measure their ketone levels if their blood sugar reading has been higher than 300, but it never hurts to be too safe.

If you are sick and throwing up you should continue to take your medicines, and stick to your meal plan if you can. You should also keep your blood sugar closely monitored, as it can spiral out of control very quickly, especially if you have been vomiting or have had a diabetic fever. It is recommended that you stick to foods that are easy on the stomach like crackers, soups, and apple sauce, and if you can only hold down liquids you may have to stick to those that contain carbohydrates like juice, frozen juice bars, non-diet sodas, Gatorade, or broth. When you are only drinking fluids, you should aim for 50 grams of carbohydrates every three or four hours, according to the ADA.

Finally, the ADA recommends keeping a notebook when you’re sick and writing down things as they transpire like your temperature levels, blood sugar levels, and ketone levels. When you decide to get treatment, be ready to give the following information:

  • How long you have been sick
  • Whether you can keep food down
  • Whether you have lost weight
  • Whether you have had a diabetic fever
  • What you temperature has been
  • What you blood sugar levels have been
  • What your urine ketone levels have been