A Diabetic convulsion is a medical condition where body muscles contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body, according to Wikipedia. A convulsion is different from a seizure. A seizure is defined as changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain according to experts at HealthLine. A seizure can occur with or without convulsions, but one condition is not dependent on the other.

A Diabetic Convulsion is usually the result of a Diabetic episode, such as Hyperglycemia, in which the blood sugar level is too high, or Hypoglycemia, in which the blood sugar level is too low. When either of these conditions occurs, glucose is unavailable to the body. Insulin is responsible for binding with the glucose and transferring it into the cells of the body where it can be utilized as energy. When the body has a lack of stable blood sugar (and energy), the body responds in abnormal ways.


Diabetic Convulsion-Part b


A person experiencing a Diabetic convulsion will assuredly notice warning signs before the convulsions begin. According to medical professionals, Diabetics may begin to feel shaky or weak, as if they could fall down or pass out. They may feel confused, have difficulty concentrating, and may not even be aware of their surroundings. Pain in the chest and body, along with a headache, nausea, or vomiting are also indicators of unstable blood sugar and possible convulsions to come.

A convulsion is the body’s way of reacting to conditions that are not suitable for living. The body is letting a person know that it has no fuel and it needs some immediately. Sometimes a convulsion can be halted if the individual is able to get glucose into the bloodstream, before the Hypo or Hyperglycemia reaches that critical point. Once a person begins to convulse, however, it cannot be stopped. The convulsion can be extremely violent and lead to further injury. This person will not be in a mentally alert state, so it is important for bystanders to offer assistance.


Diabetic Convulsion-Part c


When an individual suffers a Diabetic convulsion, the first thing a bystander should do is call 9-1-1. The Diabetic will need emergency medical treatment to get his or her blood sugar back to a reasonable level. The emergency personnel may also administer other fluids and medication that will help the individual recover from the episode. In the past, people were told to hold down a convulsing person so harm is minimized, but this action should never be done. Objects that could be dangerous should be moved out of the way, but the Diabetic should only be moved themselves if he or she is in direct danger.