A Diabetes convulsion is a medical condition in which the muscles of the body will rapidly and repeatedly contract and relax, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body, according to Wikipedia. A convulsion is often mistaken for a seizure, but there are differences between the two conditions. HealthLine defines a seizure as changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Sometimes a seizure is accompanied by convulsions, but convulsions do not necessarily indicate that a person had a seizure.

A Diabetic Convulsion is the body’s way of alerting an individual that his or her level of blood glucose is too high (Hyperglycemia) or too low (Hypoglycemia) and needs to be corrected as soon as possible. As the convulsions come at the end of a Diabetic episode, it is important that anyone with Diabetes Mellitus is familiar with the behavior that precedes a convulsion.


Diabetes Convulsion


A person preparing to have a Diabetic convulsion will begin to notice symptoms of a Diabetic episode. According to medical professionals, Diabetics may begin to sweat profusely and can feel extremely hot or cold. They often report feeling lightheaded or dizzy and may be unable to be upright. It is common for individuals to be confused and unsure of what is happening around them. The Diabetic can feel pain in any area of the body, as well as odd sensations such as tingling or pressure.

On the other hand, an individual may have a convulsion during the middle of the night. Since the person goes for a period of approximately eight hours without eating, nighttime is a prime time for the blood glucose level to fall significantly. A person may have a convulsion in the middle of the night and may be unaware of it. When this happens, the person may wake with a headache or feel nauseated, but he or she may be unaware of the convulsion unless someone was there to witness it.


Diabetes Convulsion


If an individual does witness someone having a Diabetic convulsion, the witness should immediately call for medical attention. Although the witness may be familiar with the person having an attack and understands that glucose is necessary to the Diabetic, the bystander or friend should never try to feed the person to raise the blood glucose level. Doing so could cause the person to choke or impede his or her airway. Instead, the witness should remove any objects that could harm the Diabetic and wait for medical personnel to arrive.