A Diabetes convulsion is a medical condition in which the muscles of the body will rapidly and repeatedly contract and relax, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body, according to Wikipedia. A convulsion is often mistaken for a seizure, but there are differences between the two conditions. HealthLine defines a seizure as changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Sometimes a seizure is accompanied by convulsions, but convulsions do not necessarily indicate that a person had a seizure.

A Diabetic Convulsion is the body’s way of alerting an individual that his or her level of blood glucose is too high (Hyperglycemia) or too low (Hypoglycemia) and needs to be corrected as soon as possible. As the convulsions come at the end of a Diabetic episode, it is important that anyone with Diabetes Mellitus is familiar with the behavior that precedes a …