Diabetes and Hip Pain are two conditions that are likely to occur simultaneously. Diabetics are individuals who have issues maintaining normal levels of blood glucose and as a result, often have symptoms of hip pain. Usually, the pain is a result of a combination of both nerve damage as well as poor circulation. At least 70% of Diabetics develop nerve damage, according to the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet. Diabetics who have frequent episodes of Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) are especially prone to Diabetic Neuropathy (nerve damage), poor circulation, and resulting Diabetes hip pain.

High levels of blood sugar are toxic and impair nerves, organs, and tissues in the body. Excess glucose in the bloodstream causes a hostile environment when insulin can transfer it out for use as fuel. Mayo Clinic scientists believe the extra sugar disrupts typical functions of blood vessels and nerves. The sugar destroys the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to nerves and organs. Without these nutrients, the vessels cannot deliver nutrients, but become constricted and slowly die. In addition, the nerves are unable to transmit signals, which can cause hypersensitivity or loss of sensation in other nerves. The overactive nerves can cause Diabetes hip pain, while under active nerves could increase the likelihood of trauma, due to decreased sensation.


Diabetes and Hip Pain


Diabetes hip paincan be felt in the hips, in addition to the legs, feet, and trunk.When the pain comes from a nerve dysfunction, the pain could travel the entire length of the body. Affecting one entire side of the body is common and is often referred to as unilateral pain. Other times, pain can radiate from one part of the body to another. Radial pain is experienced when one muscle is overwhelmed, but the pain occurs in a neighboring muscle instead of the overexerted muscle.

Any muscle or joint in the body that suffers inflammation can affect otherwise healthy muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. Sensations such as stabbing, throbbing, or burning, tingling, and prickling can be felt in the hip and throughout the body. On the other hand, some people may not experience any feeling of pain, because they no longer have the sense of feeling at all.


Diabetes and Hip Pain


Having hip pain and Diabetes can limit the type and duration of activities that one can do. It is vital that exercise is performed on a daily basis, in spite of the pain. Exercising is recommended for all Diabetics to help achieve healthy levels of blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Exercise can also help relieve pain that can be associated with stiff, underused muscles and joints. A variety of physical activity, done every day for no less than thirty minutes, is ideal.