Alpha lipoic acid and metabolic syndrome have been linked, but how? Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that is found in every cell of your body. The main function of this antioxidant is to destroy free radicals which cause damage to your healthy cells. It has been shown that taking alpha lipoic acid may reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome (, 2012).

Alpha lopoic acid is an unusual type of antioxidant. It is active in both water-soluble and fat-soluble domains in cells and tissues. Because of these qualities, it is easily absorbed and transported and the body’s ability to fight free radicals is greatly increased.

In addition, alpha lipoic acid helps metabolic syndrome in that it helps regenerate antioxidants such as vitamins E and C. It also amplifies the positive effects of other antioxidants such as glutathione and coenzyme Q10. The former are compounds that fight against aging and disease. Alpha lipoic acid also helps the body by teaming up with various B-vitamins to support energy production.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that alpha lipoic acid helps metabolic syndrome and diabetes. By helping the body use glucose and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and supporting insulin sensitivity and certain aspects of cardiovascular health. It also improves the lipid profile, reduces blood pressure, and reduces weight. Therefore, scientists are encouraged by alpha lipoic acid’s potential for being a therapeutic agent for metabolic syndrome (Life Extension Magazine, 2007).


Alpha Lipoic Acid and Complications of Diabetes


Not only does alphlipoic acid have drastic potential in reversing metabolic syndrome and preventing diabetes, it may also be helpful in preventing and treating complications of diabetes. For example, diabetic neuropathy is a very painful condition which opften develops in people with uncontrolled glucose levels. Alphalipoic acid has been shown to block such damage and may also be able to aid a large percentage of people who are at risk of sudden death due to nerve-related heart damage. According to an article published on, this antioxidant may help the liver flush toxins from the body and be helpful in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

You should not take alpha lipoic acid in metabolic syndrome or for any other condition without consulting your doctor. However, this antioxidant has been shown at treating many complications. Studies have shown alpha lipoic acid to have the following health benefits:

  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Reducing insulin resistance
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity
  • Improving the lipid profile
  • Reducing weight
  • Improving diabetic neuropathy
  • Protecting against cataract formation
  • Improving visual function in glaucoma
  • Preventing retinal cell death
  • Reducing brain damage after a stroke
  • Preventing bone loss
  • Removing toxic metals from the body
  • Reducing the frequency of migraines
  • Improving skin texture