It has been shown in many different instances that there is a correlation between leptin and insulin resistance. In fact, previous studies have shown them to be highly correlated. One study, posted on, serves as a good example of their relationship. They have found that, when compared, insulin sensitive men have lower liptin levels than insulin resistant men. This example shows how leptin levels may play a role somehow in how metabolic conditions come about.

Liptin and insulin work together in controlling the extent and rate of your metabolism. Insulin works at the cellular level, telling the cells whether to burn or store fat from sugar or to utilize it for energy. Insulin resistance occurs overtime because your cells adjust to high blood sugar levels by not reacting to the insulin. This causes the pancreas to produce more insulin, basically ‘to try’ and get the cells to react. In other words, your metabolic syndrome basically goes haywire.

Liptin is a hormone that your fat cells release. It binds to receptors and diminishes your appetite after you eat. There are liptin receptors throughout the body, including in the pancreas. Here it modulates the cells that release insulin. Through animal research, it has been found that leptin plays a key role in insulin resistance. According to, studies on mice being conducted by Harvard’s Joslin Diabetes Center, concluded that lack of pancreatic liptin affected the growth and function of the (insulin producing) beta cells.


Leptin and Insulin Resistance Prevention


Leptin resistance has been known to occur as well. In leptin resistance the wrong signals are sent to the brain, telling it that the body needs more to eat. These signals cause a person to never feel satisfied no matter how much they eat. This leads to binge eating and difficulty losing weight.

Luckily, exercise reduces has been found to help. Exercise regulates both leptin and insulin resistance. Losing weight has been known to help reduce insulin levels as well. A healthy diet also helps in reducing insulin resistance and keeping leptin levels under control. Eating a couple of small snack, along with meals, at the same time of day will help with both leptin and insulin resistance. Diets should be low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Protein not only helps to control cravings, but regulate blood sugar as well.

Working with your body, not against, it will help you to continually keep your fat levels down and avoid complications such as high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. It is as simple as just giving your body what it needs to work properly. Regular exercise and a nutritional diet can do just that.