What are the symptoms of diabetes in women over 40? Most of the symptoms of diabetes in women over 40 do not vary much between the different types. However, there are some differences. The major types of diabetes mellitus in women over 40 are type-1 and type-2.

Type-1 diabetes typically starts during childhood, but you can get it at any age. It is an autoimmune disorder, which means that your immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues. In type-1 diabetes, your antibodies attack the cells that produce insulin, so the pancreas can no longer produce it as needed. This can be deadly, as insulin is the hormone that one needs to turn sugar into energy.

Type-2 diabetes differs from type-1 in that type-2 diabetics can still produce insulin, but the body does not respond to it properly. Some people are genetically prone to developing type-2 diabetes, but obesity, stress, …