Type 1B, or idiopathic diabetes, is a type-1 of diabetes which is not autoimmune. People with idiopathic diabetes have an insulin deficiency and can experience ketoacidosis like people with type-1 diabetes. However, their need for injected insulin waxes and wanes overtime. Patients of African, Asian, or Hispanic decent are the most likely groups to develop idiopathic diabetes.

It almost seems as if idiopathic diabetes is a cross between the two types. It is important to understand the basic difference is the way the body processes insulin in each. People with type-one diabetes are insulin deficient, meaning the pancreas in these individuals produces little or no insulin.

Type-2 diabetics generally generate enough insulin but the cells are resistant to it, so their bodies cannot regulate blood sugar properly. Type-2 diabetes is not an autoimmune disease either, but in idiopathic diabetes there is no insulin resistance, there is just not enough …