Diabetic tingling feet could be an indicator of a serious condition called peripheral neuropathy. This is nerve damage that begins in the feet and hands, and spreads up the legs and arms, eventually affecting the functioning of your internal organs. If you are experiencing diabetic tingling feet, it is best to visit your doctor as soon as possible. With the early intervention of medical treatment, nerve damage can be controlled before it gets worse. Sometimes it is even possible to reverse the damage.

Diabetic tingling feet is only one symptom of diabetic neuropathy, but it is usually the first. Other symptoms may follow, although symptoms can vary from person to person. According to the Mayo Clinic, other symptoms of diabetic neuropathy may include:

  • Numbness or the reduced ability to feel pain and/or temperature changes
  • Tingling and burning in feet or toes
  • Sharp, jabbing feelings that is normally worse at night