Diabetic skin complications can come in the form of commonplace skin afflictions that are aggravated by diabetes as well as skin ailments specific to those suffering from the disease. According to the American Diabetics Association as many as 33% of people suffering from diabetes will have a skin disorder or complication related to the disease and the University of Maryland Medical Center states uncontrolled glucose levels for more than five years nearly always results in diabetic skin complications as well as affecting the limbs and feet. Diabetic skin complications such as bacterial and fungal infections can afflict anyone while others such as diabetic dermopathy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, diabetic blisters, and eruptive xanthomatosis afflict only those with diabetes.


Cause of Diabetic Skin Conditions


Almost all diabetic skin conditions are directly related to glucose levels and can be prevented by following the proper treatment program. Generally speaking, when glucose levels …