Diabetic Eye Pain can present in individuals who have had Diabetes Mellitus for numerous years. Maintaining normal levels of blood glucose are essential to the health and well-being of a Diabetic. When blood glucose levels soar, an individual’s life can be in immediate danger of Ketoacidosis, coma, and death. When blood sugar levels return to an acceptable range, the emergent threat may be gone, but other complications, such as Diabetic eye pain may arise. These complications are due to Diabetic Neuropathy, which is nerve damage.

Nerve damage occurs as a direct result of the excessive glucose in the bloodstream. The glucose, or sugar, causes two separate issues. The first problem is that when sugar remains in the blood, it cannot be transferred to other cells for use as fuel. These cells are then deprived of nutrients essential for normal function. The second issue is that the sugar acts like a …