When nerves are damaged due to diabetes, a person may experience neuralgia, which is pain that follows the paths of specific nerves. Neuralgia and diabetes are both very hard conditions to deal with by themselves, much less in combination. Diabetes neuralgia occurs because high blood sugar levels damage tiny arteries that supply circulation to the nerves. Over time this may lead to nerve fiber malfunction and even nerve loss.

It is estimated that approximately 70% of diabetics will experience some neuralgia diabetes symptoms at some point. Treatments for neuralgia and diabetes vary from person to person. The type and location of neuralgia being experienced also makes a difference. Neuropathy-treatment.org states that if you feel numbness or tingling in your feet or hands, you should make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Other symptoms of neuralgia and diabetes may include:

  • Pain
  • Weakness
  • Impaired function of a body part
  • Sensitivity in the