A labile diabetic is a person with uncontrolled type-1 diabetes. Labile diabetes is also referred to as ‘brittle diabetes’. A labile diabetic will often experience large swings in blood sugar levels. More commonly the blood sugar levels are high (hyperglycemic) and sometimes very extreme.

Blood sugar levels in people with stable diabetes fluctuate occasionally, but these fluctuations are not frequent and normally do not impact the diabetics ability to carry out regular activities. A labile diabetic, however, is frequently hospitalized, misses work, and has to contend with psychological problems. These factors, of course, add additional emotional and financial stress. Luckily, only 3 out of every 1,000 people with diabetes experience labile diabetic problems.

Labile diabetic problems can be caused by gastrointestinal absorption problems, such as gastroperesis. Gastroperesis is a problem which occurs when the stomach has a delay in emptying. Drug interactions, problems with insulin absorption, and hormonal malfunction are …