Tag: juvenile diabetes symptoms

Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms

Type-1 diabetes, often called juvenile diabetes, can be a very serious condition if not controlled. Juvenile diabetes symptoms normally set in during childhood, adolescents, or young adulthood. Symptoms of juvenile diabetes can easily be mistaken for other common illness, so it is important to educate yourself on the symptoms for juvenile diabetes.


Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms in Children


According to FirstSignsofDiabetesSymptoms.com, there are 9 signs and symptoms for juvenile diabetes that you should look out for:

  1. Frequent urination. You may pass it off, thinking your child is just being overactive.
  2. Extreme thirst. If you child begins drinking more than usual, you should visit you physician, especially if you notice other symptoms.
  3. Extreme hunger. Your child will most likely crave sweets like cake and complain about being hungry all of the time.
  4. Blurred vision. This is one of the main juvenile diabetes symptoms. Normally vision becomes blurred after high intakes of

Juvenile Diabetes

What is juvenile diabetes? Juvenile diabetes is a very serious condition to have. Although, the condition does carry risks, it is not a death sentence by any means. By keeping careful control of blood sugar levels, people with juvenile diabetes go on to live very happy and complete lives. Many people with juvenile diabetes, in fact, go on to be very successful as a matter of fact. Mary Tyler Moore, Anne Rice, Halle Berry, and Nick Jonas are just a few examples (EveryDayHealth.com, 2012).

Juvenile diabetes is also known as “type 1 diabetes”. It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system attacks its own cells. In juvenile diabetes, it is the cells of the pancreas which are attacked, causing the body to be unable to make its own insulin. Insulin is the hormone which allows blood sugar to enter the cells and be converted into energy. …

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