There have been many studies conducted linking hypothyroidism and insulin resistance. Although, there has been much evidence in the association between hypothyroidism and insulin resistance, the answers are still unclear where exactly the connection lies. It has been concluded, however, that people with hypothyroidism were more likely to have insulin resistance.

The thyroid makes two different hormones. These are known as T4 and T3. These hormones help to regulate how quickly the body burns energy. The higher the hormone levels, the higher your metabolism. In hypothyroidism, your body does not make enough hormones. This obviously causes a lower metabolism. So, people with hypothyroidism tend to gain weight and be lethargic. This also may cause intolerance to cold, dry skin, and hoarseness.

Insulin resistance is very common in hypothyroid patients. People with low thyroid function are prone to develop hypothyroidism as well. According to, this is because hypothyroidism slows …