The effects on a diabetic fetus can be minimized by good diabetic care during a pregnancy and delivery. To avoid complications, the most important thing that you can do is to keep your blood glucose levels normal by careful monitoring, eating healthily, and exercise in a manner which your doctor recommends. In current times, most diabetic pregnancies turn out about like any other pregnancy would. There are risk factors for your diabetic fetus that you should know about though. According to, these risks include:

Congenital malformations–your baby stands a risk of developing heart defects of defects of the respiratory system. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is one complication that occurs more often in babies born to diabetic mothers.

Intrauterine death – a diabetic fetus carries this risk far more than the fetus of a non-diabetic mother.

Fetal macrosomia – a diabetic fetus is likely to be considerably larger …