NIDDM Diabetes or Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes is a metabolic condition individuals experience when they are unable to use their insulin to convert sugar in the blood into the muscles to be used as fuel for the body. There are varying shades of this condition with episodes of high blood glucose levels due to insulin resistance or an inability to absorb it. Some people may produce adequate quantities of insulin, but their body cannot absorb it into the muscles, fat, and tissues. Other individuals may make insulin in insufficient quantities to enable the conversion of glucose into energy for the body.

The prevalence of NIDDM, also called type 2 diabetes mellitus, accounts forover 90% of the diabetic population. While over twenty-four million people suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes, 90% of twenty-four million is a large number. Over the last few years, the number of diabetes NIDDM has grown …