For diabetics, testing blood sugar levels should be a regular part of their treatment program. In the management of diabetes, A1C level testing is among the most accurate forms of understanding insulin needs and gauging how well the disease is being managed. Unlike at home blood tests, the A1C test is administered by your doctor and sent to a lab, testing blood glucose levels over a span of about two to three months, giving an average. The test should be used in conjunction with daily at home tests. What the A1C tests specifically is glycated hemoglobin (A1C). Hemoglobin is a protein found in blood plasma and is responsible for transporting oxygen to cells. In the presence of sugar hemoglobin becomes glycated (coated in sugar) with glycated hemoglobin levels rising in relation to blood sugar over an extended period.


What A1C Level Indicates: Diabetes Diagnosis


Since 2010 the American …