Used as a fast-acting insulin preparation for people with diabetes, Humalog works as an insulin analog, mimicking the body’s own insulin to convert sugars in the blood to glycogen for energy storage. Humalog works almost instantaneously, compared to slower, longer-acting insulin, which takes 30 minutes to start working. It should be taken just before eating or immediately afterwards. Offering flexibility to parents of children with diabetes, Humalog can be taken just after meals, rather than having to anticipate when the child will start eating. Since it is effective for a shorter length of time and leaves the body quickly, there is no “leftover insulin” to cause low blood sugar levels late afternoon or during the night. Of particular help to those with diabetes, Humalog closely approximates the body’s own insulin by lowering blood sugar as the person is eating, reducing blood sugar spiking. This keeps glucose levels in better balance. …