Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a steroid hormone that’s produced by the adrenal gland. It is released as a response to stress. Researchers have found a connection between cortisol and insulin resistance in people who are obese. Cortisol, along with DHEA, plays a crucial role in the body’s metabolism of glucose. When the body experiences sudden stress – emotional, physical, or environmental (extreme heat or cold) – it produces cortisol and DHEA, along with adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. These hormones generate quick energy, sharpen reflexes, and allow for quick decisions. The link between cortisol and insulin resistance begins with cortisol stopping insulin from moving glucose into cells, so it can instead be converted to fast energy for immediate use during this “crisis.” After the stress passes, hormone levels return to normal. The problem is, in our high-stress world, the crisis doesn’t end. Instead, we remain in a chronic stress state. When this happens, …