One of the most debilitating conditions arising from high blood sugar and diabetes complications is diabetic neuropathy, but studies have shown that some may find relief from the pain with benfotiamine. Diabetes sufferers may benefit greatly from this fat-soluble synthesized form of thiamine (vitamin B-1) that originated in Japan in the 1950s, designed to help those with alcoholic neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy, brought on by nerve damage, causes pain and numbness, and affects nerves that control muscle movement. Approximately 50% of diabetics experience some form of neuropathy. Thiamine is water-soluble, so it’s difficult for the body to process it in its pure form, but the fat-soluble preparation is easily absorbed and used. Benfotiamine prevents glucose build-up in cells, which, when left untreated, forms advanced glycation end products (AGE). Over time this AGE accumulates and contributes to complications in the kidneys, eyes, and extremities. In other major blood vessels it causes plaque …