The most important consideration with regards to Advil and diabetes is that any ibuprofen drug will reduce blood flow to the kidneys and is destructive to its cells. Diabetics are already at high risk of kidney disease, due to high blood sugar and damaged blood vessels. Using Advil may add to the damage, especially if the person is older. Ibuprofen preparations such as Advil are part of the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and are used most often for arthritis, but also for headaches and muscle pain, inflammation, stiffness, swelling and joint pain, fever and menstrual cramps.


Diabetes and Advil Balancing Benefits and Risks


One must balance the benefits and risks before taking Advil, and diabetes patients need to be especially careful. In addition to the risk of kidney disease, there may be an increased likelihood of heart disease and stroke caused by using Advil, and diabetes …