What is type1 diabetes? Type1 diabetes is a type of diabetes where the body’s pancreas does not make enough insulin for the body to process blood sugar properly. It is believed to be an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system destroys the cells in the pancreas which make insulin. A person cannot survive without insulin, so a type1 diabetic must take medical insulin shots several times a day.

Diabetes type1 can be a very serious condition to have. In this form, blood sugar levels must always be carefully monitored. If a diabetic takes his/her medications incorrectly, blood sugar levels can drop drastically leading to diabetic coma, seizures, or even death. For this reason people with type1 diabetes should learn and teach those around them the signs that a diabetic episode is occurring.


Type1 and Type2 Diabetes


The difference between type1 and type2 diabetes is that …